APPOS San Francisco 2025

August 15th - 16th

Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront

The APP Oncology Summit is Returning to San Francisco!

A San Francisco Oncology Conference for Oncology Clinicians

APP Oncology Summits are developed with and for advanced practice providers including NPs, PAs, pharmacists (and RNs).

As part of the multidisciplinary team in the care of cancer patients, students, physicians, and other healthcare professionals involved in the management of cancer patients are also welcome to attend.

Early Bird

$ 65
  • Through May 15


$ 90
  • Through Jul 15


$ 115
  • Through Aug 15

Save Your Spot

Students, Fellows, and Industry Employees, see pricing below.  Register early to guarantee your spot!

Students - Fellows (Free Admission)

Student is defined as currently enrolled in an advanced learning institution and/or studying in order to enter a particular profession. If you would like to attend as a Student, please contact for further information.

Industry Employee - (See Registration Page)

Defined as anyone employed by a drug, device, or diagnostic company. The primary goal of the conference is to educate practicing clinicians on the latest advances and strategies in the care of cancer patients. Because space is limited and to ensure sufficient seats are available for clinicians.

Course Overview

The APP Oncology Summit is a two-day conference designed to provide advanced practice providers (APPs) with the latest evidence-based strategies to optimize care and outcomes for patients with cancer. This conference is planned with and for advanced practice providers (NPs, PAs, pharmacists, and nurse specialists) and is a collaborative effort of oncology clinicians from multiple organizations in each community. 

The APP Oncology Summit offers a unique opportunity for APPs from various healthcare teams in the community to collaborate, learn from each other and national faculty, and share best practices on a range of issues related to the care of cancer patients.

Intended Learners

APP Oncology Summits are developed with and for advanced practice providers including NPs, PAs, pharmacists, and nurses.

As part of the multidisciplinary team in the care of cancer patients, students, physicians, and other healthcare professionals involved in the management of cancer patients are also welcome to attend.

2025 Conference Planning Committee

Laura J. Zitella, MS, RN, ACNP-BC, AOCN

Associate Clinical Professor Hematology Nurse Practitioner University of California, San Francisco San Francisco, CA (Planning Committee Chair)

Alison Morris, DNP, RN, FNP-BC

Nurse Practitioner, Hematology & Oncology Stanford Health Care San Jose, CA

Brittany Dingler, MHS, PA-C

Physician Assistant, Oncology UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center San Francisco, CA

Timothy Mok, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP

Hematology Oncology Pharmacy Research Analyst Kaiser Permanente Oakland, CA

Melanie Lau, PA-C, MPH

Senior Physician assistant, radiation oncology kaiser permanente

Kari Hazzard, PA-C

Physician Assistant, Radiation Oncology Sutter Medical Center

"This is my first time attending the APPOS conference and I'm very impressed at how it is tailored specifically to APPs. I will definitely attend future conferences, hopefully in person."

Lindley M.


We want to ensure that your time at the APP Oncology Summit is convenient and memorable. Staying at our host hotel provides a hassle-free experience and puts you at the heart of the activity surrounding the conference.

Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront
600 Airport Blvd
BurlingameCA 94010

Booking details to come